Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sacrament Primary Program

On October 26, 2008, we had our yearly Primary Sacrament Program. Each of the girls was given a speaking part for the program. They each did a pretty good job of memorizing their parts.
Katelyn's part was "Heavenly Father has given us temples to bless our lives. Families can be together forever because of temples."
Rachel's part was "Because I am His child, I will serve Him with all my heart, might, mind and strength."
Bridget's part was "I know that Jesus lives and that He loves me."
The girls were all decked out in their finest Sunday best. I had bought them fabulous dresses at Costco (gotta love Costco dresses). Too bad Katelyn will be too big for them after this year. Why do they have to grow up? The night before the program, I spent time making fabulous hair bows to match their dresses. The morning of the program, my friend, Gini J., had come over to help me make their bracelets and necklaces (thanks Gini). They looked fabulous, if I say so myself.
We had some really great family members who came to watch the program. Grandpa Rudd, Grandma Gaddie and Auntie April, Brycen and Brielle all came to watch. We are so grateful for our fmaily and the support that they are to us.

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