Friday, July 18, 2008

Funeral and then Lunch with Cousins

This morning I went to the funeral for an 19 year old young man who grew up in the ward where I also grew up, Bryan Andrew Hall. He didn't go by his first name but went by his middle name of Andrew. He was diagnosed at three months old with cystic fibrosis and he fought with this illness all of his life. In February 2007 he received a double-lung transplant that prolonged his life and allowed him to do things that he had never been able to do. What an inspiration their family is to the rest of us.

After the funeral was over I picked up the girls who were staying with Grandpa and Grandma Gaddie while I attended the funeral and while Reed was at work. We met (Auntie) April and her kids at McDonald's for lunch. It doesn't sound like much fun if you're the parent but must be fun for the kids because they always want to go back.


sasmithfam said...

What fun we had in the grueling heat at Mickey D's. Let's pick a different one next time. I didn't like that one. Bridget was a hoot though. I might want to go back there just to see her again.

Christan Strong said...

Hey Stac
Your blog looks super cute! Just look at how savvy you are! I love the background! It sure was fun to see you and the girlies last weekend!
We love you!! See you in August!

Stacy said...

Holy Cow, it is about time. And, I might add, you should have told me about this so I can stalk you properly! I can't thank you enough for the cute bracelets and outfit and blanket, and headbands, and (did I leave anything out?), oh yeah, DINNER! You are way beyond anykind of friend I deserve. I mean that. Can I also have the recipe for that yummy stuff we ate for two days? It was awesome and I want to make some and freeze it.

C Whetten said...

Oh Boy MacDonalds! Sometimes we do things just for our kids. Good to see you have joined the Blogging World.